Today I just wanted to share a quick beginning of the year post. The chronological nature of a blog can make it difficult for new readers to find helpful posts. So, as I did last year, I’ve created this list of links to past posts that included complete unit plans. Keep in mind that these units were not all created or taught in one year. I switch things up based on the curriculum of my current school and the interests of my students. In addition, each post reflects where I was on my journey toward proficiency at the time I wrote it. I have continued to evolve, and you will no doubt improve upon the plans that you find here!
Bonne rentrée à tous!
French 1 Units
Bienvenue à la classe de Français: https://madameshepard.com/?p=752
Bienvenue: Partie II: https://madameshepard.com/?p=789
Ce que j’aime: https://madameshepard.com/?p=855
La Famille: https://madameshepard.com/?p=1110
Bon Appétit pt. 1: https://madameshepard.com/?p=282 (petit déjeuner)
Bon Appétit pt. 2: https://madameshepard.com/?p=321
Bon Appétit pt. 3: https://madameshepard.com/?p=345
Noël: https://madameshepard.com/?p=1282
French 2 Units
Les Loisirs: https://madameshepard.com/?p=1335
Ma Journée Typique: https://madameshepard.com/?p=1340
Halloween: https://madameshepard.com/?p=1387
Mon Look: https://madameshepard.com/?p=1278
C’est quoi, une maison idéale?: https://madameshepard.com/?p=1406
Les Tâches Ménagères: https://madameshepard.com/?p=502
Joyeux Noel: https://madameshepard.com/?p=267
Allons en Martinique: https://madameshepard.com/?p=1424
Les Châteaux (pt. 1)https://madameshepard.com/?p=415
Les Châteaux (pt. 2) https://madameshepard.com/?p=445
Une journée à l’école: https://madameshepard.com/?p=1081
French 3 Units
Bon Appétit: https://madameshepard.com/?p=1193
Education: https://madameshepard.com/?p=111
Les Vacances: https://madameshepard.com/?p=1345
Les Campeurs (Petit Nicolas) https://madameshepard.com/?p=200
Les Animaux de Compagnie: https://madameshepard.com/?p=1261
Les Impressionnistes: https://madameshepard.com/?p=1389
Le Jour de la Terre: https://madameshepard.com/?p=1136
Le Gaspillage Alimentaire: https://madameshepard.com/?p=1287
Joyeux Noël: https://madameshepard.com/?p=1418
Ma Bonne Resolution (La Santé) : https://madameshepard.com/?p=1428
La Préhistoire: https://madameshepard.com/?p=516
Je t’aime: https://madameshepard.com/?p=1589
Je quitte la maison (Petit Nicolas): https://madameshepard.com/?p=1013
French 4/5 Units
Cultural Stereotypes: https://madameshepard.com/?p=80
La Famille dans le Monde Francophone: https://madameshepard.com/?p=1376
Communication et Media: https://madameshepard.com/?p=1397
Le Droit a l’Education: https://madameshepard.com/?p=1450
Les Droits des Femmes: https://madameshepard.com/?p=1469
La Laïcité: https://madameshepard.com/?p=1128
Le Petit Prince: https://madameshepard.com/?p=219
L’Immigration:https://madameshepard.com/?p=880 Click here for the agenda of a more recent version of this unit.
Mixed Levels
First week of school: https://madameshepard.com/?p=1246
Halloween: https://madameshepard.com/?p=897